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Welcome to Blackbird Therapy & Counseling Policy and Procedures

  Rules of the Therapeutic Center



Appointments are set inworld at this present time. As of now counselors can make an appointment on your behalf via app or website. However, we feel that by giving you the freedom to choose what days are best for you, it is easier for the patient to simply come online and book the appointment. This option will re-initiated soon.



If you are unable to attend the arranged appointment, be sure to inform your psychologist or contact a staff member. Clients are also able to reach staff themselves via email, or by IM. Soon clients will be able to go to the "Book Your Appt" tab and click "Reschedule". This way, it frees up time for other clients to be seen and it also allows the psychologist to not wait around anticipating your arrival. Yet, as of now, this option is not available so please contact the office.



In the real world, most grace periods are 15 minutes, and we allow the same at Blackbird. If there is a no call, no show during the allotted time frame it will count as a point. After 3 no call, no shows, depending on the situation, there will be a grace period of 15 mins. If you missed that appointment, no further grace periods will be administered during your packaged time frame and a resubmission application and fee of 1000L will be added upon continues services on top of the requested service.

As long as clients convey communication to the office of an absence of an appointment, no points goes against you and the reschedule is in good standing.

Communication/Contact- For any reason that communication between two parties needs to be given, we have several ways to reach staff. Whether it is via email, IM, the app, or the website, we will always respond within a 24-hour period.



If you are not able to make an appointment, we understand. Please given the office a 24–48-hour notice with your next available time slot. Under no circumstance will any patient be seen the same day. Due to the nature of time sensitivity with each client’s tailored counseling or therapy plan, an appointment is more appropriate to provide the client with the best care within a good, allotted time frame. Please do not expect to be seen the same day as there may be other appointments already booked for that day.

The ONLY exception for same say would be if it is an Emergency or you have otherwise been instructed by staff.



Any client that wishes to cancel, has that right at any given time. For BTC, for any given reason that is within reason is also able to terminate services performed upon certain grounds. If there is a couple that is receiving services, and one decides to terminate after payment has been received, the other party has the right to still be seen for the duration of the time remaining in the couple’s package they originally signed up for. Any additional services exceeding that original plan must be discussed and a new plan selection must be made under new guidelines.


RL= PLEASE< PLEASE< PLEASE understand that RL does indeed happen. If ever staff is unable to accompany you with an appointment a reschedule will be recommended. Please make sure to keep all personal feelings outside of BTC as we are a zero tolerance for negative behavior. We are all human and RL will always come first for all of us. We ask for patience and understanding during such times.



All clients are expected to wear a tag when in session with the psychologist. For therapy and dining purposes, such a tag is also needed. Guest that are included in certain packages are also required for wearing a tag. Any unapproved guest found on the land during rental weekend or during sessions will be asked to kindly retrieve one or to wait for you in the waiting area.  


 NO REFUND POLICY- To ensure that all clients have a clear understanding of how this refund policy work, to avoid future concerns, the baseline of this agreement are as follows:

Once you pay, you are no longer able to get that refunded under any circumstance. During the tour and initial consultation, you will be free to ask as many questions as you like pertaining to the package that would most fit your need. If you decide a day later, a week later, or a month later that this service is not for you, no refund will be agreed upon. However, to assist with your decision, Blackbird Therapy & Counseling will meet you in your circumstance and allow future services on the house if you are needing to do a post-pone of service.



During some therapy sessions, we do allow up to five people to tend to your aid. Such therapy area includes Music Therapy, Recreational therapy, and Play Therapy. During such time, if guest is simply waiting, they may do so in the waiting areas and must not roam the practice until otherwise instructed.




​Completion Ceremony for Couples – At the end of your therapy session, there will be an acknowledgement ceremony of your completion for all of the hard work a couple has invested. Up to 10 people could attend. Food and drink will be provided.



We are NOT a maternity clinic nor a hospital, therefore we do not possess any equipment nor have specialty departments to handle anything pertaining to physical health. Such services by request will be referred out.  



All services are conducting either by face-to-face, via phone, email, IM or website. There are special occasions where a home visit is necessary, however most services will be performed on the land of Blackbird Therapy & Counseling.



Any PHONE communication (IM) is to be kept minimal regarding stressed detail of a concern. An appointment must be made in order to respect the time of the psychologist, staff, and the other clients. Under no circumstance should any client or potential client phone(IM) any staff for roleplay purposes that are outside of appointment times. Anyone found roleplaying without it being within a counseling session may be subject to termination of services or blocked depending on the severity of the action. A client is free to roleplay within the allotted experienced if by appointment only. Please respect the time of staff until your appointed session.



We are a voice operational center that personalizes in delivering the best, realistic experience to all patients alike. We strive to provide excellence through speaking in local or private chat to ensure that every detail is explained and covered during your visit.


We ask if ALL parties involved could only HEAR by ensuring that your sound is enabled. We DO NOT request that our patients speak via voice in local nor private chat but to simply HEAR what is being said. We are very detailed and cover a lot of information which takes much longer at times when typing than the allotted time given for each appointment. So, we do ask to come prepared to the best of your ability so we can do our best to deliver the best possible experience.



We are a Christian establishment that incorporates values that are dear to us that we feel could aid in the recovery of your journey. This is in no way an indoctrination of any kind and simply reflects the owners’ heart when trying to help the grid.




For those who really enjoy the sim and would like to rent it during the week, please contact the office. Whether a honeymoon, get a way, or just to camp, we have something to do for everyone! Rentals are open only from Friday to Sunday as the center is open during the week only. Please inquire for more detail.


If you find a service that you are wanting that is not yet available, please be patient and have your name placed on the waiting list until that service becomes available. Thank you.



All ages are welcomed. However, if you are a child, a parental form will need to be filled and submitted. If you do not, a close relative will need to accompany you. If you are residing within an orphanage, a form will need to be filled out by your caretaker. All documents will then be referred out to our affiliate that caters to children.



Blackbird welcomes various forms of roleplay including those from communities. If you are a school or court attendee and has a potential clients that needs a service, please submit a form. If you are a venue and would like to send an individual here, please submit a form.



There are some services such a recreational therapy that has lessons that are incorporated that are outside of the BTC sim. Please be sure to adhere to such guidelines regarding conduct and respect for other sims.



Please be sure to leave a review. It is so important that we get your thoughts on our progress. We ask that before you complete the program to please leave feedback on your overall client experience with BTC.


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